Friday, May 9, 2008


Lights , Camera, Action!
Let us go into the new world of cinema, grabbing our roots from the past from where it first begun. I want to explore the world of cinema of attraction, the Classic Hollywood Cinema also know as CHC, the French Cinema Nouvelle, the Spanish wave, ohh, there are just too many to mention! But then the most important one, being, the South African films and how they are being received by us here at home and how the outside world has recieved them!

Lets start by here at home. The South African film industry has been experiencing problems in the past years, stemming from the apartheid era, whereby films that were being produced were regulated by the government so that they don't act as a way of trying to overthrow the government. This really left the film industry in this country very much under developed as directors, particularly african directors were not given an opportunity to voice their opinions and express their views. Films that were directed by black directors only started emerging post apartheid, which was in the mid 1990's. One of the first was Mbongeni Ngema who directed the famous Sarafina also using international actors such Whoopi Goldberg. This film aimed to tell a story about the education system during the apartheid times and how the students tryed to revolutionalise this system into something that would be beneficial for all people.

but then those are just some of the stories that remained untold during that time in apartheid South Africa.
ps: will be edited even more! there is stil more to come. pls leave your comment as to what else can be added on to this!

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